Monday, March 7, 2016

Remembering the J.L. Hudson Company

In February, I read in the local newspaper that the Warren Historical/Genealogical Society was hosting a special program on March 2nd at the Warren Community Center featuring eight tables of artifacts and memorabilia from the legendary department store, J.L. Hudson's, and the presenter would be Michael Hauser.

I first met Mike in 2011, and have always enjoyed his knowledgeable Hudson's programs. His recent presentation didn't disappoint. The turnout exceeded the expectations of those who planned the event with a capacity crowd of about 250 attendees. Hudson's is alive and well in the hearts and memories of southeastern Michiganders!

~ Mike speaking to the attendees ~

The program lasted about an hour and a half, and included three short Hudson's video clips. Mike passed around lots of memorabilia for attendees to see. 

Hudson's Department Store - before it took up an entire block on Woodward Ave.

Of course, I was interested in the poster below since it was from one of Hudson's eateries.

There were so many people looking at the display tables that I didn't attempt to get any photos, but Mike had a ladies glove rack from Hudson's, and a gloves training booklet for the sales staff that piqued my interest.  I have two pair of gloves from Hudson's [never worn, with the price tag still attached]. Mike scanned the booklet and sent it to me. It's very interesting and states: "No outfit is complete without gloves!" I immediately thought of the ladies of Downton Abbey!  The booklet said a pair of vintage opera/evening gloves had 16 buttons - you'd definitely need a button hook for those unless you had a ladies' maid!

Thanks for a great presentation, Mike!  You've inspired me to resume my Hudson's research!

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful that people are still interested in Hudson's. A couple months ago Kim did a post on Hudson on her book FB page. I know you enjoyed Mike's presentation.


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