Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Mother's Shield of Honor - Longacre House

My program at Longacre House in 2011 was titled, A Mother's Shield of Honor.  As you might guess by the title, it was about aprons.   Can you believe I forgot to take my camera!   But I do have some photos one of the attendees took.

~ These were the menu cards placed on each table ~
[Click on the photo to enlarge for reading]

~ Printed Programs~

The program was divided into three sections:  Part I: Apron Nostalgia - The ties that bind.  Part II:  Apron Timelines.   Part III:  Apron History.   And what apron program would be complete without the reading of "Grandma's Apron"?

I showed many different styles of aprons that day, but have since collected a lot more, even   dating back to the Victorian era.

No other garment evokes sentimental feelings and nostalgia like an apron.  We all have someone dear to us who wore one.   Linda said the program was one of the all-time favorites.



  1. Love your post! The apron cake is really a cutie! and your special guest was truly honored, I'm sure!

    We had an apron themed event last year in the tea room. The first link shares the program and the second link features the menu.

    Thanks for sharing your special event.

  2. "A Mother's Shield of Honor" is a great theme for this! Very creative thinking!


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