Monday, February 10, 2025

A New Book

If you're a follower of my blog, you know Jeremy is my youngest son.  Throughout the adult years of his 45 year old life, his career has taken him down several paths from a high school teacher to an Athletic Director and Assistant High School Principle, to a senior living executive, and presently CEO of his own company, Captain's Light Consulting. 

Last week, one of his goals became a reality when his first book became published, The Conqueror's Way.  Thoughts for this book began to formulate about six years ago when parenting his oldest daughter, Isabella [Izzy], as she navigated her way through a middle school challenge with some of her peers, helping her realize that her identity and value as a person are in no way connected to the opinion of others.   It is found in being a child of God!

Life experiences and lessons added to the development of his book until it became a reality and rolled off the presses for availability last week.

I offer no apology for promoting his book.  Mothers have bragging rights. ;-) 

Seriously, it is a thought provoking and inspiring book for all ages - teenagers through senior adults. Who doesn't want a victorious life filled with purpose for God's glory?

"...we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."
Romans 8:37

The book is available at Amazon.  Podcasts to re-enforce each chapter will soon be available.  I'll keep you posted.

To inject tea into this post, he's the only one of my three children who is a tea drinker!  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to your son on the publication of his book! And of course you should brag on it. Thank you for letting us know about it.


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