If I hurry, I'll get this post written and up while it's still Halloween evening. I just got home from my son Steve's house. For the past 14 years [ever since he's lived in his house], he's hosted an 'open garage' for the trick-or-treaters [and their parents]. He sets up tables and chairs where they can sit and rest for a few minutes while enjoying a Crispy Kreme Donut with a cup of cider, hot chocolate, or coffee. When it's cold out [like it was tonight - 40 degrees] they especially appreciate it. He also sets a portable fire pit in his driveway that they can warm up by.
Washington Township has a loud siren that goes off at 6:00 p.m. beginning the two hour trick-or-treat time period. [The same siren goes off at 8:00 p.m. when it's over]. Jerry was at Steve's all afternoon helping him set-up. When I got there he was taking a much deserved break while waiting for the onslaught of trick-or-treaters.
And here they come! They get to help themselves to a candy bar treat of their choice from a big round tub.
I especially enjoy seeing the little kids like this cute dog and cat.
Brooke [right] and her girlfriend.

Steve and Sharon. Steve was portraying Bob Wiley with his goldfish Gill, in the movie, "What About Bob?" Mother Nature was kind and gave us a dry night.
One of the couples from church, Gary and Lori.

Our daughter, Lori, and her girlfriend, Katie, came over for a little while after they got off work.
This is what the garage looked like when the evening was in full swing.
I'm concluding this post with a picture of granddaughter, Isabella, at her band concert last night. We were unable to attend because of another commitment, so I was grateful for the picture. Izzy is the second clarinet player.
I'm off to bed now, and when I awake it'll be November 1st. It hardly seems possible.