Last weekend was a busy one. Saturday was the Valentine's Chocolate Tea at The Whitney, a Bridal Tea and Mansion Tea. My manager told me to plan on 191 guests and we ended up serving 181 seated on all three floors. I think it was the largest number since I've been there. I wish I would have had time to take pictures at the Chocolate Tea but it was too busy.
Saturday was also the Chinese New Year - Year of the Dragon, but I was too tired to go out for Chinese food after work. Marie Callender's Chicken Pot Pies were in the freezer, so that's what we had. I did give a nod to China by drinking tea with my pot pie though. ;-)
Sunday, after church, a group of 15 gathered at a restaurant for dinner together. We were seated in a private room and the fellowship and food was wonderful. My son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, daughter and son-in-law were part of the group [seated on the right side of the table]. Some in the group have been endearing friends of ours for over 40 years.
The restaurant specializes in Polish food, so I almost felt like I was in Hamtramck again with more City Chicken and Pierogies.

It was also Super Bowl LVIII. The San Francisco 49ers have been my son Jeremy's favorite team since he was very young, so this was a big game at his house. They really got in the spirit of the game, all wearing 49ers jerseys.
If you watched the game you know it was a real nail-biter! The score was neck and neck, but Kansas City won 25 to 22 in overtime. Jeremy said in spite of the loss the sun came up Monday morning and all was well.
Monday, on my way home from getting my mammogram and bone density test, I threw all caution to the wind [diet-wise] and stopped at the bakery to get my hubby and me a cannoli cream filled paczki - they're so much better than a jelly filled paczki. We enjoyed eating them today in honor of Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday - whichever day you choose to call it. Paczki donuts are a Polish tradition and the last splurge before the sacrificial lenten season begins. I'm not Polish, but I sure enjoy the Paczki tradition.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and my daughter and son-in-law's Fifth Wedding Anniversary. Carrot Cake is Dave's favorite, so I make them a Carrot Cake every year on their anniversary. We delivered it this afternoon. I still had all my chocolate molding equipage and candy supplies on the counter from a recent project where I made 50 chocolate rose suckers, so I decided to decorate their cake with a chocolate rose [minus the sucker stick].
A Valentine's card arrived in yesterday's mail along with a hand-crafted birthday card that the US Postal Service took 10 days to deliver from a close-by city!!!
February is filled with many special days to celebrate. Do you have special plans for Valentine's Day?