Thursday, June 13, 2024

Celebrating our 58th Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday [Wednesday] was a full day.  Our morning began with a 1 3/4 mile walk.  The sky was clear with a temperature in the 70's and a pleasant breeze.

I used to be a Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal girl every morning, but I've been changing it up a bit lately.  My daughter-in-law in Zeeland got me started on Kashi shredded whole wheat cereal with cinnamon and it's really good.  I top it with a scoop of plain Greek yogurt, blueberries and some sliced almonds for a total of three plant based fiber foods to start my day.  I had a cup of hibiscus herbal tea to go with it.  Even though hibiscus is plant based, herbal tea doesn't qualify as a fiber. 

We left home around 12:30 for the 40 mile leisure drive to Marine City.  There used to be a lot of antique stores there, but not so much any more.  My hubby and I enjoyed walking the St. Clair river front.  As you can see, it was a picture perfect day.

We stopped at The Sweet Tooth ice cream shop for a dish of yummy almond-pistachio ice cream.  

Then we drove the short seven mile distance north, along the scenic riverfront road, to St. Clair, Michigan where we had reservations for dinner.

The weather was perfect and we could have eaten outside on the patio with others, but we opted to eat inside.

They were ready for us with a personalized menu - even if they did spell our last name wrong.  ;-)

We both ordered their Seafood Mixed Trio - Salmon, Crab Cake, & Coconut Shrimp with ginger rice, broccoli and hot rolls.  It was all delicious, but the Coconut Shrimp was my favorite.

If you're counting along with me, that's only three fiber foods [broccoli, rice and corn] but the protein and Omega 3 fatty acids from the seafood made up for it. We shared a Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee dessert.  With a stretch of the imagination the raspberries could contribute to it being a healthy dessert, but realistically it was just a lot of delicious, fattening calories. ;-)

When we got outside we saw a freighter going down the St. Clair River.

After dinner we made our journey back home and the conclusion to a perfect day!

If you aren't friends with me on Facebook, these are the photos I shared of anniversaries past. After 58 years we hardly resemble the same people.  It's amazing how swiftly the years have passed, and we are blessed that God has allowed us to grow older together, even if I am in denial about being old.  ;-)  

First Anniversary and I was seven months pregnant with our daughter.

~ 25th Wedding Anniversart ~

~ 35th Wedding Anniversary in England ~

40th Wedding Anniversary at Niagara-on-the Lake, Canada

~ 50th Wedding Anniversary ~

~ 55th Wedding Anniversary - also celebrated at the River Crab Restaurant ~

Praying for many more anniversaries to celebrate together.


  1. There were 7 couples married in Abilene from June 1st, 1963 to April 10, 1964. There was 1 divorce, 3 deaths, and 3 couples still together after 60 years.

  2. I think you look exactly the same as you did on your wedding day! Happy Anniversary!

  3. A LONG-delayed re-visit, kindled by a little reminiscing on my own blog, LAWN TEA, for August 4, 2015 which led me to that CLICK portal for entry to your so-sumptuous Jane Austen party of that date. I just looked my eyes full once again, of those beautiful photos and that other time in our blogging lives---here these nine-almost years gone, and the World still trying to right itself. I'd enjoyed your party so much, in that internet-voyeur/guest sort of way, just drinking in the beautiful of it, and all the clever touches and lovely table appointments---all of which would have been remarkable and so welcome in Miss Jane's life, as well.

    And so, at this late remove, and speaking from a just-returned-to-the-fun from several years absence, there's the happy news of your remarkable milestone---what a lovely accomplishment, and what a fabulous couple, then and now. Many happy returns of the day, and many returns of my own, to catch up on all your lively life in the BETWEEN. What a joyful prospect---other things, other times and circumstances have sent me reeling since 2018, and just now are my feet planting on the solid ground of catching-up, of organization, of cleaning and home-keeping and caring for and about once again. Your wonderful journal-of-life is a gentle, satisfying prospect for many days to come, and I thank you for all the wonder that awaits in your pages. Many more happy years to you both!! rachel


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