Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day

After a busy work day at The Whitney [159 tea guests] last Saturday, I was pleasantly surprised to pull into my driveway and see beautiful geraniums on the front porch.  My daughter came over during the day and planted them in the planters for my Mother's Day gift.

I was spoiled by lots of loving kindness and thoughtfulness on Mother's Day - cards, some of which contained money and gift cards, candy, and a delicious dinner after church.  The best gift was being able to worship together at church with my three children, their spouses, and four of my grandchildren.

We took pictures after church. L-R: daughter-in-law, Samantha, daughter, Lori, me [the short one] and daughter-in-law, Sharon.

Jeremy and family came from Zeeland and spent the night at our house Saturday.

[L-R:  Landon, Ellie, Samantha, Izzy and Jeremy]

Samantha liked the planters in front of our church but they were barely visible in their family photo above, so a better look is provided below.   One of the young mom's at our church is a master gardener and she maintains all the outdoor plants.

Lori coordinated the dinner after church at Ike's American/Lebanese Restaurant.  It was the first time most of our family had eaten there, but the service was great and food delicious.  We all had our choice of ordering off the menu or going to the buffet.  Steve said it will be our destination for Mother's Day 2025.   Landon and Brooke were missing from the table family photo because they were at the buffet.  Lori and my hubby were there, but I couldn't get them in the photo.

I ordered Chicken Marsala and it came with a delicious lemon/lentil soup.  I Googled the soup when I got home and found a recipe that sounds just like what I had, so it's what's for dinner tonight.

A photo outside the restaurant with my three blessings!  It was a wonderful Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Being with family is the best Mother's Day gift I can think of. I was able to be with 2 of my 3 children, as well as my grands. It was a lovely weekend and I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day too.


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