Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Last Sunday was a day of gratitude for me.  We are blessed to sit under our son Steve's ministry every week, but our youngest son, Jeremy, was the guest speaker last Sunday with the Book of Acts, Chapter 10 as his text.  He also shared his newly launched Conqueror's Way ministry. Below is a photo of him speaking during the first service.  I'm so thankful he's using his spiritual gifts and talents to help others find purpose and fulfillment in life through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

After church all our family went out to eat together.  But while we were waiting for Steve and Jeremy to finish conversations with people, my dear friend, Lori, and I took the opportunity to chat and get caught up a bit.  My granddaughter, Izzy [Jeremy's daughter] took the unplanned photo of us.  It's such a blessing Lori and I can worship together every week.

It's rare that our family has the opportunity to worship together and go out to eat afterwards especially after Jeremy and family moved to the western side of the state, so I had to have photos at the restaurant to mark the occasion. ;-)  That's our daughter, Lori, on the left, with her two brothers, Jerry and me.

Below is most of our clan.  Steve's wife was away caring for her father recovering from surgery, and Jeremy's other two kids, Landon and Ellie, were visiting nearby maternal cousins.  L-R:  Jerry, Me, Jeremy, Lori and her husband Dave, Steve, Izzy, Jeremy's wife, Samantha, and Steve's daughter, Brooke. 

I just learned today when a Facebook article and photo of Steve was posted about his recent honor at a Washington Township Board of Trustees meeting for being an outstanding member of the community and for his dedicated service in full-time Christian ministry.  He never said a word to Jerry or me about it, but his life is another blessings I'm grateful for.  

Thank you for allowing me to share my joy.  God is good!

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