Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Baby It's Cold Outside!

I had an appointment this afternoon that required venturing out of my nice, warm, comfy house, and it was cold.  Schools are closed, but surprisingly there was mail delivery.  As I type this post it's 3 degrees with a wind chill of -11 degrees, so I'm still making lots of comforting soups - tomorrow will be recipe [pot] #8.  I just found a good recipe for cheese bread online and am anxious to try it with tomorrow's soup - Zuppa Toscana, a copycat recipe of Olive Garden's potato soup, with Italian sausage and kale.

In the past I've shared photos of teacup shaped bathtubs, teapot shaped showers, and teapot shaped pantries, and last week a photo came through my Facebook feed for plush giant teacup shaped loungers.  The one below is by Lux Arts.

Disney Home Decor has tea kettle and teapot loungers too.  Who knew home furnishings in the shape of teapots and teacups would ever be popular.  During winter's cold weather, you might not ever want to leave them!  I just had to share in case they're your cup of tea.

For charcuterie lovers, I just discovered teacup 'charcuTEArie' on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.  They're perfect for a tea party.

Last Friday, my girlfriend, Sandy, and a friend she used to work with came to tea at The Whitney.  I was able to sit down and chat a bit with them.  Tea was served on the second floor in Mrs. Whitney's bedroom.

A few pics my girlfriend's friend took.

In closing I'll share a cute tea cartoon I saw online that's very typical of tea lovers.  I recently went through my pantry and threw out a lot of tea I knew I'd never drink, even though I hate being wasteful.  It's so easy to accumulate a hoard of tea.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I have had to do the same and pretty much just buy my favorites now! I enjoyed these photos!


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