Thursday, December 5, 2024

First Christmas Luncheon of 2024

This post was almost finished [with the exception of the last photo] last Tuesday night [Dec. 3rd] when my computer froze and wouldn't allow me to finish. Ug!!!  I thought my computer had died - or was in very critical condition - so I called my IT guy.  He had me take the tower to his house, and thankfully he called this afternoon saying he was able to repair it.  Somehow, the Google program became corrupted.  Go figure!  Anyway, I immediately picked up the tower, and I'm up and running again.  Here is the post, better late than never.

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I drove to the area where I grew up today to have our annual Christmas lunch with six girls that I went to high school with.  We've been doing this a long time - I have pictures going back to 2011.  Things change over the years - one of the girls moved to Florida, another passed away but we're all grateful we've maintained our friendship for over 60 years.  Three of the gals have become widowed - one as recently as this year so Christmas for her is bittersweet.

[Deidre, Linda & Birdie]

[Sandy, Charlene & Peggy]

We exchanged small gifts after we ate.

I left home with a shopping bag of gifts to exchange and returned home with a shopping bag of gifts received.

My gift to each of the girls was a tin of seven-layer bar cookies and a gift package of hand sanitizer and handcream fom Bath & Body Works.  In return I received an assortment of edible goodies, a candle, a bottle of White Barn foaming hand soap and Lavender & Vanilla body mist, but the best gift of all is their friendship.

1 comment:

  1. Friendship is such a wonderful gift! I’m glad you were able to get together with these special friends - and glad your computer is fixed so you could tell us about it!


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