Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11

September 11, 1989 was a memorable day for me.  It was the day I became a grandma [Nana].  My first grandchild, Brandon, was born at 4:50 p.m. 

I gave him three pictures with the caption 'then and now.'  It seems like 35 years have passed in the blink of an eye!   Yes, that's Jerry and me!  Amazing how much we've changed in 35 years.  We don't even look like the same people.

When Brandon was 12 years old, and our family gathered at his house that evening to celebrate his birthday, the happy occasion was overshadowed by the tragic events that had happened earlier that day at the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon.   It was a birthday he will never forget and neither will any of us.

We gathered last Sunday night to celebrate Brandon's 35th birthday...

But today we reflect on what happened 23 years ago, and ask God to unite our divided country and bring us together again just like He did in 2001.

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