Saturday, December 9, 2023

2023 Ladies Cookie Swap

Today seemed like a slow day at The Whitney with only 75 guests for Mansion Tea after serving 139 guests last week.  But I'm still weary as last night was our 2nd annual Ladies Christmas Cookie Swap at Church.  We almost tripled our attendance from 2022, so it's catching on.  As promised, here are some photos before I call it a night and relax.

Below is a photo of the church [Orchard Ridge Church of the Nazarene] that was all lit up when we arrived at 5:30 p.m.  The swap didn't start until 6:30 but my hubby and I went early to set-up and get the hot spiced cider simmering on the stove.

The swap was help in the Fireside Room.  We will probably outgrow this space next year.

My hubby always goes to ladies events with me to be my right hand.  Last night he picked up the pizza that was served, then was the event photographer.  While I was busy in the kitchen he even asked the blessing for the pizza and cider.

We played a fun game, 'Name that Cake', then I gave a short devotion about Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  Then it was time to gather cookies.  Each lady was asked to bring 4 dozen cookies and the recipe.  Every lady got at least 2 of every cookie that was brought. There were 21 different kinds of delicious cookies.  

Each lady shared why they made the cookie they brought.  When my son [the church pastor] was in grade school, he went to his friend's grandmother's house after school.  The grandmother served the boys 'Chocolate Chip Bars' and Steve liked them so much he asked if he could copy the recipe to bring home so I could make them.  I've saved the recipe in his grade school handwriting all these years and photo copied it for the ladies last night.  I added butterscotch chips to the recipe.  Below is a close-up taken before we left home. Steve asked if I would package some for him to take to Dave [his childhood friend] since his grandma is now deceased.

The ladies voted on their favorite cookie and my daughter-in-law won first place for her Scottish Shortbread.  Her mother is from Scotland and she was at the cookie swap, so the shortbread recipe [which was Sharon's grandmother's] is a special family recipe.

Everyone had a fun evening as we closed the books on 2023's cookie swap.

Do you attend a Christmas Cookie Swap?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, those cookies all look delicious. We didn't do a cookie swap this year at my church but we had a cookie decorating class, which was fun. Kudos to Jerry for all his help, too!


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