I noticed in the estate sale pictures last Friday that a sale near me had two black teacups amidst several others. I didn't feel like going over first thing in the morning to be among the early shoppers, but later in the day my hubby and I went over. The estate sale lady said the black teacups were sold right away. I wasn't disappointed because I really didn't need them, but I did find a pretty hand-painted teapot trivet for $2 which was a good buy.

The Whitney has so much teacup breakage, that I thought about buying the remaining teacups for work, but decided I better get approval first and find out how much they were willing to pay. I photographed the teacups to show my boss. He said he'd pay between $5 and $6 a teacup. That price would be doable the last day of the sale when everything is reduced to 50% off. After church on Sunday we returned to the sale. A lady was ahead of us and said she has a tea party business. She had the same idea of waiting until the last day. I waited until she made her selection, then I bought six remaining cups. This could develop into a fun hobby of buying teacups for The Whitney. Almost all estate sales have them.
Our front porch makeover is progressing nicely. Our daughter came last Friday and planted flowers in the planters for my Mother's Day present.
Hubby power washed the cement floor while I was at work on Saturday so it would be clean when the outdoor rug arrives, sort of... it's dandelion, cottonwood, and maple whirlybird season, so it almost needs a daily sweep. He finished putting the swing back together after repairing and painting it and it looks great. I still have to put the red seat cushion on it.
Monday he took down the front door to give it a new coat of paint. He said it was heavier than the last time he took it down! ;-) It was a day project and by evening it was back in place.
I still haven't found a wreath I like for the door yet. I went to several stores on Monday but nothing said 'take me home'. My next place to look is 'At Home'. I love wandering through that store. I found a new wind chime for the porch. We hung it near our bedroom window. Hubby wondered if it would be disruptive to sleep, but so far so good. I enjoy hearing it.
Today I purchased a wicker chair for the porch. It will go in the corner across from the swing [next to the flower planter on the brick pillar]. Only problem is... I want it painted white, so it's another 'honey do' job. My hubby went with me when I bought it, so he's agreeable to the task. We're almost done with the make-over and I think Alda Ellis would approve. ;-)
On our way to get the chair, a family of geese were crossing the street completely oblivious to traffic, and in no hurry whatsoever. I couldn't resist taking their picture. It was drizzling, hence the water marks on the windshield that showed up in the photo.
While Jerry was busy outside this week, I occupied myself inside putting a patriotic tablescape together for fun. Monday our family is going to the military cemetery where my parents are buried and then having a picnic at a park afterwards. I bought disposeable paper products for the picnic, but I wanted to do a tablescape in my dining area just because it's what I enjoy doing. I already had most everything except the tablecloth, placemats, and cobalt blue candlesticks [ordered from Etsy], and I was anxious to see how everything looked together. Yep, I liked it! Now to invite someone over and actually put it to use.
I left everything set-up for a day and then dismantled it. The only thing I left intact was the centerpiece. I'm waiting for a square patriotic table topper that I ordered to arrive and will put it underneath the centerpiece.
How's your week been going? May 21st was International Tea Day. Did you celebrate with a special tea? I drank an orgnic, hand-picked green tea from Southern India.
Yesterday, May 24th, was Queen Victoria's 203rd birthday, and soon [June 2-5] Great Britain will be celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee - 70 years on the throne. What an amazing lady and legacy.
On this side of the pond, however, we'll be celebrating Memorial Day, and honoring those who gave their lives for our freedom. How do you plan to spend the day? As of right now, all our family will be together.
God Bless America!