Saturday, April 29, 2017

Saturday Musings

As you know, I don't usually blog on Saturdays, so this is a bonus of sorts.

My hubby and I left early yesterday morning to go to our youngest son and daughter-in-law's to babysit the grands - mostly Ellie because the other two were in school most of the day. Shortly after our arrival she donned her princess costume for our enjoyment.  What self-respecting grandma would pass up an opportunity to post a picture like this???

~ Ellie ~

While we were en route to their house, the E-bay bidding for the 3-piece Shirley Temple breakfast set was coming to an end.  Because I wasn't home glued to my computer so I could increase my bid if need be, someone else outbid me by .50 cents at the last minute, and I lost the breakfast set.

Not to worry though because when I returned home last night a gift bag and vase of tulips awaited me on my front porch from my sweet girlfriend.  Inside the gift bag was the Shirley Temple cereal bowl!  ðŸ’“ Thanks, Lori!

This morning I promptly went on-line and purchased the matching cup and pitcher from a seller's 'buy now' option eliminating the risk of being outbid again.  It should arrive in time for my presentation next Sunday.  I'm glad to have the 3-piece breakfast set after all.  While I was at it, I bought a Shirley Temple tea set by Danbury Mint too.  I'll be perfect for a tea party with Ellie as well as a presentation prop.

I couldn't help thinking while I was with Ellie, she's the same age as Shirley Temple was during the filming of many of her great movies.  I wouldn't want Ellie to give up her childhood for stardom though.  It came at a high price for Shirley, even though she loved what she was doing. She related several sad situations she experienced with adults during her movie career.  

Have a great weekend!  I'm going back to my tea and book reading now.


  1. Wonderful news about your new ST acquisitions. Lori is a keeper friend to be sure /hug.

    As for Ellie - she is absolutely beautiful, what a sweet pretty Princess she is, indeed! ♥

  2. So glad you were able to put together your Shirley breakfast set. Your tea lectures sound amazing! What lucky ladies.

  3. What a nice gift! And I'm glad you were able to get the other pieces you want. Ellie is a beautiful princess, and I agree, I would not want my (also adorable) granddaughter to give up her childhood for movie fame.

  4. Love your blog! Google "Shirley Temple takes tea in Delaware" for a sweet treat! My sister and I honored our mother by going to this event and bringing a photo of our beloved mother in her red and white polka dot Shirley dress!


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