Friday, January 6, 2017

Purpose in 2017

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I've spent some time this afternoon reading some of my favorite blogs to get caught up after the busy holidays.  

Judith at Lavender Cottage blogged about discovering herself. Angela at Tea with Friends shared her 'goals' vs. 'resolutions'. Both ladies have changed their blogging schedules, and so have several other bloggers.  I didn't realize the commitment blogging required until I became a blogger myself, and I'm in awe of those who have been blogging a lot longer than me.

I mentioned in my first post of the new year that I was reading Rick Warren's book, The Purpose Driven Life [2002].  At his suggestion, only one chapter a day should be read for absorption and reflection.  

The questions to consider on Day 3 were:  What would my family and friends say is the driving force of my life?  What do I want it to be?

I made a short list of what I though my family and friends might say.  I'd like the list to be in the order below, but in all honesty, sometimes more time is given to tea events, blogging, or researching subjects for presentations, than reading God's Word and talking to Him in prayer.  
*Relationships  [God, Family, and Friends]
*All things Tea 
*Researching  J.L. Hudson Department Store
*England and all things British

Every activity above is good in proper priority, but since this life is preparation for the next [day 4] nothing must come before my relationship with God.  

In the home where I grew up my mother used to have a quote affixed to the bathroom mirror [where we couldn't escape seeing it numerous times a day]:  "Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."

So... my word for 2017 is purpose.  To focus first and foremost on my relationship with God, and sharing His love with others.  All other interests will come after that - a goal easier said than done, since life has a way of pushing spiritual things to the bottom of the 'to do' list.

You might not always see blog posts from me five days a week, but I will keep in touch.

Blessings for a wonderful weekend, and if you should feel inclined, spend some time pondering the purpose or driving force of your life to see if it's what you want it to be.


  1. Hello Phyllis
    You've made some good observations about your own life and how you want your future to unfold as well as given me pause for thought.
    I am thankful for the wonderful women in my Tuesday morning bible study who with their experience as a retired pastor and another a retired missionary to have my eyes opened to a better relationship with God. We have all vowed to be more aware of being in His presence every day.

  2. I agree with you Phyllis, that our relationship with Christ must be first in our lives.

    You look like you have your priorities in order!

  3. That "only one life" quote was on my grandmother's bedroom mirror, and I try to keep it in mind daily.

  4. May your journey of purpose be insightful. My word for the year is kindness.


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