Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipse 2024

There's a lot of buzz about today's solar eclipse, and Detroiters will be able to see the near-total eclipse this afternoon. drew a parallel of the solar eclipse to tea brewing [anticipation, temporal beauty and satisfaction].

Tea companies have created tea blends to sip during the eclipse.  Adagio Tea has two signature blends called Solar Eclipse Delight and Total Solar Eclipse with descriptions of dark and mysterious flavors.  Blue Monkey Tea has an Eclipse Tea with a deep dark color to match the darkness of the eclipse time.  There are probably other tea blenders who have come up with eclipse blends as well.

Yesterday my hubby and I traveled to Ann Arbor to attend the church service where our eleven-year-old granddaughter made the decision to be baptized, signifying her acceptance of Jesus as her Lord and Savior.  It was especially meaningful, because her dad [our son] was the one who baptized her.

It reminded me of the contemporary worship song, How He Loves, that talks about being eclipsed by glory, when we realize how beautiful God is and how great His affections are for us.   We are so thankful Ellie has made the commitment to live for Jesus.  

It is dangerous to look at the solar eclipse without taking specific precautions, but it's beautiful to see the Son through all the ways He expresses His love for us without any precautions - anytime, anywhere.

Afterwards we all went out to dinner together.  It was a wonderful day.

~ Jerry [Papa], Me [Nana] and Ellie ~

Me and Ellie top row; Lori [our daughter] Samantha [Ellie's mom and our daughter-in-law, and Izzy [Ellie's sister and our granddaughter] bottom row.

Jerry, Landon [Ellie's brother and our grandson] top row;
Jeremy [Ellie's dad and our son] & Dave [our son-in-law] bottom row.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. Such a special occasion for all of you, but especially for Ellie!


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