Friday, December 1, 2023

In Tribute

This has been a somber week as former First Lady Rosalynn Carter was memorialized before being laid to rest.  The trait that stood out above all others in her eulogies was her service to others. God granted her a long and full life which she lived responsibly, and she will receive Heavenly rewards. The quote, "One life 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last" came to my mind.

As a tea lover, the phrase 'you can learn a lot about a person over tea', prompted me to do a quick research about Mrs. Carter and tea.

A New York Times article [Nov. 23, 1976] wrote about the tea she had at the White House with Betty Ford [they shared a unique friendship].  Another newspaper article stated she was not a First Lady who only dispensed tea and cookies to guests, but she was, in President Carter's own words, "a perfect extension of me."

The book, Tea with Presidential Families, stated she was inundated with invitations to host teas at the White House, most of which she accommodated.  During the many talks between Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat she entertained their wives with tea.  Being from the South, she particularly enjoyed 'Sweet Tea' as shown in the Internet photos below.

Rosalynn Carter and Mrs. Begin

 President & Mrs. Carter having lunch in the White House.

Did you know that Adagio Tea created a line of teas honoring a few U.S. First Ladies including Rosalynn Carter.  I will look forward to trying this blend.

Much closer to home came the news this morning that a dear, personal friend crossed from earth to Heaven, from mortality to incorruptible immortality.  My sweet friend, like Mrs. Carter, also had the prominent trait of serving others.  She worked in the church kitchen with me on many occasions, and we shared our love of tea together.  She was always a quiet, behind the scenes person, never seeking any accolades or recognition.  Whenever she sent a card or note, her signature phrase before signing her name was "God Bless You, Indeed!"  Today she is experiencing God's Blessings, Indeed!

Rest in peace, Jeanne, until we meet again.

 Jeanne on left and her daughter-in-law [middle] who preceded her to Heaven.

I'm standing next to Jeanne in the above photo.   The lady on the right also preceded Jeanne to Heaven and perhaps Tricia and Connie have already welcomed her.

Someday, maybe God will allow all of us to work together in one of Heaven's kitchens.  My son says there will be food in Heaven - not for nourishment or sustenance because it won't be necessary for existence - but for pleasure and enjoyment just like in the Garden of Eden.  I'm hoping there'll be tea there too!  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hope for tea in heaven, too! Mrs. Carter was an amazing lady, and it sounds like your friend Jeanne was one, also. That “only one life” quote was a favorite of my grandmother. She had it posted on her bedroom mirror, where she saw it daily.


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