Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Birthday Celebrations

We have several family birthdays in the months of June, July and August.  Yesterday Granddaughter, Brooke, celebrated her 22nd birthday in Nashville, TN visiting her older sister. 

My daughter, Lori, has a birthday a week from today, but because of schedule conflicts we celebrated today by having lunch at The Whitney.   Her youngest daughter, Marissa, joined us and we had a lovely afternoon together.  I brought a cassata cake from the local bakery [it's one of Lori's favorites] and took it to The Whitney.

We were seated in the Drawing Room today and every table was filled.  It was busy in all the other first floor rooms too.   Lori loves yellow roses, so Marissa brought her a bouquet of them.

After lunch we posed on the iconic Whitney staircase.

Then we went outside for a couple of photos on the front porch.

It was another picture perfect day weatherwise, and a good day for going to The Whitney. Marissa works about three traffic lights down from the Whitney on Woodward Avenue, so she returned to work after our lunch.

The next round of family birthdays isn't until the end of September when we celebrate Izzy and Jeremy's birthdays.

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