Tuesday, July 30, 2024

High Tea and Teacup Tattoo

This morning an ad came through my Facebook feed for a Bridgerton High Tea [it should really be called Afternoon Tea since high tea is supper in England and isn't fancy finger foods].  The ad piqued my interest so I went to the tearoom's Facebook page.  The name of the tearoom is High Tea GR and the GR stands for Grand Rapids, MI.  My girlfriend and I have made the two and a half hour drive to Grand Rapids for tea before, but not at this new tearoom. I was interested until I saw the dates - two weekends, Aug. 9-11 and Aug. 16-18, but I work on Fridays and Saturdays and go to church on Sundays so I can't attend.  But I'm posting their information in case some readers might have an interest.  If you go, please tell me all about it. The tearoom/restaurant is located 1522 Wealthy St., SE. 

When I went to work two weeks ago I noticed one of our managers had a teacup tattoo on her neck.  She said it was sort of a scary tattoo because instead of steam rising up out of the teacup it's a snake.  Yikes!  Not surprising since the shop where she had it done is called Friday the 13th.  ;-)

I'm for all things tea - clothing, jewelry, china, etc. but I'll pass on getting a teacup tattoo.  I read that 32% of Americans have at least one tattoo and the majority are on people under age 50.  I was surprised that the percentage was that low because it seems like almost all young people have tattoos these days.  Surprisingly, none of my adult grandchildren have one, or at least not yet.  

Kaylee let me take her picture last Saturday at work and said I could post it.  She's a very kind person, an efficient manager, and well liked at The Whitney.

I received the Shutterfly album, Myrtle Beach Family Vacations, that I was working on and now I'm working on a new album about my grandchildren's high school years [proms/homecomings, plays & graduation] college graduations, engagements and weddings - a screen shot of the cover from my workpage is below.  It's been such a fun walk down memory lane and a stark reminder of how quickly time passes.  When this is completed it will be my 25th Shutterfly album.  I should have stock in the company!  ;-)

July is almost over and we'll soon be entering August. Lots of fun activities will be forthcoming.  Our granddaughters, Izzy and Ellie, will be coming for a visit Aug. 14-15 before school starts back.  I've made reservations to take them to lunch at The Whitney.

I also made lunch reservations at The Whitney to take my daughter and granddaughter, Marissa, on August 21st.  It'll be an early birthday celebration for my daughter.  So glad I could get these lunches scheduled before The Whitney discontinues them at the end of August.

And yesterday I made reservations at The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island to meet up with three of my cousins who will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries there.   They're paternal cousins who are sisters and they all got married the same year.  They're coming from Tennessee, Colorado and Florida.  I haven't seen them since 2012 so I'm really looking forward to our meet-up.  August promises to be a great month.

Do you have any special plans?


  1. I think the younger generation of tea lovers don't object to trendy terms for things, where as I am rather fond of historical accuracy. The term "tea party" is the newest trend to use for Afternoon Tea. I would love to visit The Whitney!

  2. Hi Phyllis! My sister now lives in Jenison, MI, and we have had afternoon tea at High Tea GR twice when I’ve visited. We’ve enjoyed it both times!


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