Saturday, June 15, 2024

Flag Day and More...

Our American flag was proudly flying on the front of our house yesterday for Flag Day.  Actually it flies most days when the weather is good, not just patriotic holidays. 

I worked yesterday, and when I got home we had a graduation party to attend for the girl across the street.  Afterwards I was too tired to write a post, so apologies for this being a day late. 

The father of the girl who graduated is from the Middle East so a lot of the food at the party was Lebanese. I had never eaten Chicken or Beef Shawarma before, but I liked it.  So interesting to eat the cuisines of different countries.

When my hubby and I went out for our anniversary dinner last Wednesday I mentioned it didn't have a lot of plant based fiber.  So I made up for it with Thursday's dinner at home.  I've got a few recipes for zucchini that I want to try, but Thursday was simply oven roasted julienned zucchini and carrots tossed in extra virgin olive oil and seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder and thyme leaves.  Easy peasy, good, and enough for a couple of meals.

I served it with teriyaki chicken skewers [cooked in my air fryer] a baked sweet potato, and a Romaine garden salad.

Instead of a calorie-laden dessert, we had a Waldorf Salad made with unpeeled, diced Honey Crisp apples, halved green grapes, finely diced celery and chopped walnuts bound together with a little mayonnaise.  

The meal had 12 plant based fibers, was nutritious, easy, economical and tasty.  

I didn't have tea for dinner [it inhibits my sleep], but I did drink Harney & Sons green Cherry Blossom tea during the day.  Yum!

1 comment:

  1. I put my flag out today, too, and set my table with red, white, and blue.


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