Christmas Eve 2024
Thirteen family members gathered at our house last night for our traditional Christmas Eve gathering [three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren were absent]. Dinner was at 3:00 o'clock, followed by the reading of the Christmas Story [Luke chapter 2], birthday cake for Jesus, opening of gifts, and a wonderful time of sharing family memories.
Just a light dusting of snow on the ground for Christmas this year.
Our Christmas tree was up and decorated [finally], and awaiting the arrival of our family.
Jeremy and me on clean-up duty after dinner! It takes almost two days to prepare dinner and 30 minutes to eat it!
Ellie read the Christmas Story from Luke, Chapter 2
The youngest go first opening their gifts, so Ellie was first.
Then Landon...
Izzy Followed...
She's a Michigan State Girl!
~ Brooke ~
~ Brianna ~
Son-in-law, Dave, is the only adult I remembered to get a picture of opening gifts.
Our daughter, Lori, and son-in-law, Dave
Steve, Sharon, Brianna and Brooke
Jeremy, Samantha, Izzy, Landon & Ellie
~ Jeremy and Sam ~
Four of the six female Barkey cousins - Brianna, Brooke, Izzy and Ellie
Mother & Daughters - Sharon, Brianna & Brooke
Mother & Daughters - Sam, Izzy & Ellie
We FaceTimed with granddaughter Tiffany and her family in Californina around 8:00 p.m.
And, of course, there was a celebratory birthday cake for Jesus - The reason for the season!
Lots of good memories were made on Christmas Eve 2024, and by midnight they had all said goodbye and went to their individual homes.
To those of you in blogland ...Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
I love seeing all the happy faces of your family! Merry Christmas to all!