Friday, May 31, 2024

The End of May

Thought I'd check-in before May comes to an end.  I went for my second Shingles shot on Tuesday, and hearing that the second shot was worse than the first I was ready for whatever side effects might occur, but thankfully they weren't as bad as the first shot. That being said, most of Wednesday was spent resting with flu-like symptoms [aches, chills and feverish], but by Thursday everything was back to normal.  I'm grateful both shots behing me!

My granddaughter, Tiffany, sent me pictures of Evie's 7th birthday [May 23rd].  I knew they were taking her to Disneyland for her birthday so we sent spending money for the theme park, a Disney card game and kids candy for her and Jules.  I'm told she's really into Legos now, so she opted to spend her birthday money on those instead.  Good to know as Christmas will be here before we know it!

The older she gets the more she looks like Tiffany.

In 2007 I went on a London, England Tea Tour with nine other ladies [two of them were my close girlfriends Lori and Sandy].  One of the places we had Afternoon Tea was the Lanesborough Hotel.

It was a wonderful experience and we loved the china we were served on - Royal Worcester's Lavinia pattern.  

After we returned home, my girlfriend, Lori, found the teacup and saucer in an antique store in Ann Arbor when we were out shopping together.  She was so thrilled to find it and I was happy for her.

Fast forward 17 years... a lot of water has passed under the bridge since that trip and I had forgotten about that china until Mother's Day rolled around this year and I was given an E-bay gift card.  Out of the blue that china came to mind and I thought what a nice keepsake it would be to have a trio in the pattern the Lanesborough used.  I did a search on Ebay and they had the pattern, so that's how I spent my gift card.  Thanks, Jeremy!  It arrived in today's mail.

Next on my list is a trio from the Prince of Wales Hotel in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada to commemorate our 2006 trip for our 40th Wedding Anniversary.  They used Minton China in the Haddon Hall pattern.

Do you collect trios?

Today we say goodbye to May and tomorrow we'll welcome June - the halfway point in 2024.  How can that be already???

1 comment:

  1. I’m having a hard time believing it is June already! I’m glad you could find the trio you wanted and wish you luck with the next one.


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