Sunday, May 26, 2024

Have a "Meaningful" Memorial Day

While Memorial Day is the 'unofficial' start to summer [which means picnics and barbeques] it's also a solemn holiday mourning those who died while serving in the U.S. military - particularly for families of fallen soldiers.  It's a day of grief, honor, reverence, gratitude, and remembrance. 

One post said, "...Every hot dog, burger, beverage with family and friends, or spin around the lake is a debt purchased by others whose parents and/or wives never saw them again and whose kids only remembered them from pictures..."

My kids are scattered this Memorial Day [California, Florida and western Michigan] so there won't be any family gathering, but I will pause at some point in the day to reflect on the freedoms I enjoy because others courageously gave their lives for it.  I'll no longer say "Have a 'Happy' Memorial Day" instead I'll say, "Have a 'Meaningful' Memorial Day."

I wore my comfy, patriotic dress to work yesterday [along with a white short sleeve denim jean jacket], and to church this morning.  I thought for sure the tea guest count would be down at The Whitney with it being a holiday weekend - and it was a little - but we still served tea to 146 guests.  Tea is alive and well at the restaurant!

The Whitney posted the graphic below on their Facebook page, and I share it here:  "Angel Flight" is the call sign for carrying fallen heroes on board.  Their "salute" with flares looks like an angel with wings.  The Whitney's message to all patrons, "Enjoy the holiday and take some time to remember."

Special thanks to Angela at Tea With Friends blog for sharing the cute tea-themed coasters [pictured below] that she recently purchased.  I went to the Amazon website and purchased the six coasters for $9.99 plus tax and they arrived yesterday.  This set is for me, but I'll be ordering more for gifts.

I'll sign-off with this cute [and very true] graphic that will leave you smiling.

1 comment:

  1. I love your patriotic dress! And that people continue to enjoy tea at The Whitney.


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