Sunday, December 17, 2023

A Joyful Sunday

This morning the third Advent candle of JOY was lit. 

We made our way back to church for the 5:00 p.m. live outdoor nativity [reenactors were from Romeo High School Drama Department].  There was a live camel, donkey, sheep, and several other animals for the children to enjoy.  And best of all, the rain stopped for the hour.

Temperatures were mild instead of bitter cold as in previous years, but plenty of hot chocolate and cookies were on hand in the church foyer for those who wanted it before the candlelight service began at 6:00 p.m. 

At 6:00 p.m. the lights were lowered as a partial choir from Romeo High School entered, and sang three songs.

Then the church worship team led everyone in a few Christmas Carols as candles were lit.  It was beautiful as we honored the One who is The Reason for the Season!

The fourth advent candle of PEACE was lit.

1 comment:

  1. I do love this time of year when I see my name everywhere! 😀. Of course, the main reason I love it is because of the gift of Jesus. I love all the Advent traditions. I'm way behind on blog reading but
    I hope to catch up today.


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